Erik C.Andersen

Films Resume



A shot of my camera filming  BrEndAn's Band!

When I saw Bear's Blog about videotaping the BSG concert I couldn't resist.  But I didn't want to spend the night shooting. I wanted to enjoy the music. My plan was to set up the camera and just let it run.

I got there two hours early and found the perfect spot. Dead center on the 2nd floor. I somehow got permission from  the  event staff and this is what my camera captured.


My plan for the footage was to post two or three songs on Bear's blog and that would be it. Little did I know that I was the only person who got the entire concert on tape.

His fans have been overwhelming with thanks so I decided to post the entire concert.

Every night for the past week I edited down the footage, color-corrected it and compressed  it for the internet.

I hope Bear likes the footage enough to ask for a copy.


Erik & Patty in front of the Battlestar Galactica Concert stage. "Get out of the way!"








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